Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How To Build Wood Clothes Hamper In What Ways Did Cro-Magnon People Change Human Culture?

In what ways did Cro-Magnon people change human culture? - how to build wood clothes hamper

Early humans faced a struggle for survival. For thousands of years, which has two concerns: the search for food and protect themselves. They used fire, they built shelters, made clothing, and developed a spoken language. These areas of life are part of the culture. Changes in human culture over time, new tools to test the old people and new ideas. Later, some modern humans have increased the pace of change. Persons who have in the life of the first part of the Stone Age were nomads. They moved from one place to another. They were hunters and gatherers. They found food by hunting and gathering fruits, berries and roots. Cro-Magnon man, who came later, made tools to help your search. These early modern humans used more than 100 different tools. They used stone, bone and wood. They made knives, hooks and bone needles. Cro-Magnon man also created works of art including paintings.


peternal said...

They seem to have answered your question ...

Fashion and the Horn of ivory in musical instruments, because he a reliable source of food to them the luxury of time to art, painting, music, and that is established for the production of jewelry ...

cowboydo... said...

Initially responded to several of their own problems, but some are bad, you better check your history books again, or if you already have your answers.

Primitive man began to live as a family and began to "agriculture" has on the territory of Turkey and Greece, which began as agricultural real in these areas. They were nomads, as you call them.

nursesr4... said...

Cro-Magnon man, Homo sapiens first identified. In other words, we have begun our culture ..

nursesr4... said...

Cro-Magnon man, Homo sapiens first identified. In other words, we have begun our culture ..

Life in the slow lane said...

Through the art of the Cro-Magnon people use the first signs of written language that are still seen in the caves in France. Not that they have specific sounds in his work of art, but are in the thoughts that you know that today and tell us about their lives, as they hunted and how they lived. They provide tools more advanced than any other humanoid. I should have known it.

Chuck P said...

No pets.

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